Final Fantasy 7 Funny Names for Cid


Alright, we accept that our beloved characters in FFVII have real names. Cloud, Barret, Tifa, and so on. Duh and durhay. However, I'll admit that a big part of the fun for me with RPGs is being able to rename a character something ridiculous enough to make me giggle for the rest of the game, given my very immature sense of humor.

For example, on my most recent playthrough, I settled on renaming Cloud to Buttsteak, Aerith to SaraPalin, and Cid to Jerkpants. Truly, I think Captain Jerkpants has a fabulous ring to it!

What I want to know is if any of you share in this tradition, and if so, what are some of the best names you've come up with?


My First List of Names:

(Take no offense :))

Cloud - Exile
Barret - Bitch
Tifa - Ashley D.
Aerith - Amanda D.
Red XIII - Same
Cait Sith - Same
Cid - Same
Yuffie - Same
Vincent -Same

I made these at 11 mind you. lol.



Name everyone Sephiroth, and watch the confusion begin :monster:


Now THAT seems like a good idea! xD
For the heck of it once, I named Cloud "Banana", Barret "Nut" and Tifa "Muffin" so that when they're in the same party in the right order, it says "Banana Nut Muffin"
Yeeeeeeeeah...I was bored.


Name everyone Sephiroth, and watch the confusion begin :monster:

Tried that once, I couldn't tell who was who XD

and lol @ Your Mom

I Am Not Me

:bigmonster: WTH CLOUD

I named everyone Cloud in a crack playthru. It was awesome :awesome: Then I named Tifa as Aeris and Aeris as Tifa... so... yeah.

I also switched their names once:

Cloud = Aeris
Tifa = Barret
Aeris = Sephiroth
Barret = Red XIII
Vincent = Yuffie
Yuffie = Cid
Cid = Tifa

Although I never finished those playthrus, hence I've only been seriously playing 3 times. :awesome:


I named Aerith after myself until I figured out that she died shortly in, so I started over and then renamed Tifa myself. Yes, I'm just that anal.

Oh, and renamed Red to Nanaki, which I thought a hundred times better name.

Um, that's it. I'm pretty unoriginal with names.



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.

I gave Cloud my real first name because I'm super fucking dork :awesome:

....It really makes playing my original save file for FFVII weird since its like everyone's talking to me. It's quite lulzy.


Wow, I never renamed anyone except Red XIII to Nanaki and Aeris to Aerith, lol. D:

But I'm seriously considering it now, the possibilities are endless from what I see. :awesome:


Cloud - Schizo
Barret - Dammit
Tifa - Knockers
Aerith - Dies
Red XIII - Fuzz
Cait Sith - Staypuft
Cid - Shit
Yuffie - Lolitard
Vincent - Lefty

I Am Not Me

Cloud - Schizo
Barret - Dammit
Tifa - Knockers
Aerith - Dies
Red XIII - Fuzz
Cait Sith - Staypuft
Cid - Shit
Yuffie - Lolitard
Vincent - Lefty

:bigmonster: THAT. EPICWIN

I would love to see how that looks in the game XDDDDDDDDD


lolz, stay pufty. :monster:

I never rename my characters, and cba to replay the game to do so.


:lol: These are WONDERFUL! And god help me, that is just too fuggin' hilarious, Quexinos! :awesome: :awesome: :awesomonster:

I'm also guilty of renaming one of the girls to "babe", in addition to "fucknut" for either Cait Sith or Yuffie (not that I have anything against them, I just roffle when I see it as an address).


Glad you enjoyed that... oh yeah almost forgot:

Thomas Bangalter

No Claude, yet? Jeeze, am I the only one? Hahaha, classic mispronunciation for Cloud.


Why IS that anyway? My friend used to say it like that and someone just told me the other day that they used to say it like that too. How does that happen? How does Cloud looks like anything else? its an English word!

And then I love when they say, "Well Cloud is a stupid name!" Because, you know, Claude just screams 'badass' :monster:

Ravynne Nevyrmore

I once named everyone "you." Other than that, no, I haven't been very creative.


I never change my character name, but chocobos...

green - bogey
blue - sky
black - sooty
gold - nugget... because its gold and its a big chicken :monster:


I remember naming Cloud "Puppet" once, but that was on a second playthrough. Sephiroth seemed retarted there:
"Because you, Puppet..... Are a puppet".
On the most recent, though (a year ago I believe) it went:
-Barret to "Buttsecks", Red XIII to "Pokemon" , Yuffie to "Jailbait", Cid to "Nicotine" and Vincent to "Lolicon"(Guess Y:awesome:).Hey.... I renamed Cloud to "Claude".....But that's probably because I was waiting for the release of that SO2 PSP port back then.

Anyway, some amusing stuff you people have here! :neom:
I should so come up with something refreshing for the names on the next playthrough.....

Thomas Bangalter

Why IS that anyway? My friend used to say it like that and someone just told me the other day that they used to say it like that too. How does that happen? How does Cloud looks like anything else? its an English word!

And then I love when they say, "Well Cloud is a stupid name!" Because, you know, Claude just screams 'badass' :monster:

I think you're missing the humor in it.

Perhaps we were speaking with a franch accent? :awesome:


I once named everyone "you." Other than that, no, I haven't been very creative.

heheh i bet that was funny :monster:

I only renamed my characters the first time i played, and since cloud was cloud, i renamed the others after the weather...................................


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